Plastic Odyssey

Clarins x Plastic Odyssey

reducing plastic waste, on land and at sea

Over the past few decades, plastic production has exploded - over two hundred times more than what it was in the 1950s. Shockingly, nearly 20 tons of plastic waste are dumped into the ocean every minute. The impact on wildlife and the natural ecosystem is simply unsustainable.

In 2017, Clarins was the first sponsor of Plastic Odyssey

As part of our commitment to protecting the environment, Clarins is proud to support Plastic Odyssey, a one-of-a-kind sailing expedition to

help combat plastic waste in our waters

The initiative aims to tackle seaborne plastic waste at the source - on land -

by connecting actors from across the world

encouraging local initiatives, and taking action towards a world without plastic waste.

A round-the-world trip to reduce the impact of plastic waste

The 40-metre boat will undertake a round-the-world trip to collect and reuse plastic found in the sea, alongside supporting entrepreneurs in developing countries to develop local recycling economies and stimulate jobs through plastic waste.

How? Using machinery powered by open-source technology, its 20-strong crew can assess plastic waste directly on board, before sorting and stocking it for reuse on dry land. More than a boat

Plastic Odyssey is a mobile laboratory.

The first leg of the round-the-world tour will set sail from Marseille, France in September 2022, before continuing across the Atlantic towards South America via West Africa in 2023.

The crew are expected to

visit over 30 countries on three continents

over the three-year trip, which will end in Asia and the Pacific region in 2024.
At Clarins, we're committed to doing our part to help ensure a better world for the next generation. A dream? Maybe, but we believe in it!
Christian and Olivier Courtin

Clarins is commited to doing more.

Alongside Clarins’ partnership with Plastic Odyssey, Clarins continues to prioritise alternatives to plastic.
Plastic bags

have been banned

in all Clarins boutiques in France since 1999.
All of our formulas

are free

from microplastics.
By 2025, Clarins commits

to reducing our use of plastic by 30%.

By 2025, Clarins aims to be plastic neutral.